By Walden Bello*
Nearly a week after the event,
The last few weeks have hardened the
Epic Tragedy
No doubt there will be stories told about the eight weeks of the 'Bangkok Commune.' As in all epic tragedies, truth will be entangled with myth. But of one thing there will be no doubt: that the government’s decision to order the Thai military against civilian protesters can never be justified.
The casualties of the last week are still being counted. Government sources say some 52 people were killed in the week of clashes that climaxed on May 19. Bodies are, however, still turning up, including about nine that rescue workers discovered on Friday at the massive Central World shopping mall at the Rajprasong Intersection, which was torched by protesters. The final count is likely to be much higher. One soldier, for instance, claims to have counted 25 dead bodies on May 20 as he went with his unit on a room-to-room operation to flush out suspected Red-shirt protesters in the
Red-shirt sympathizers accuse the military of indiscriminate shooting, pointing to six medical personnel who were shot by high-powered rifles outside the
While the Red Shirts count their dead, the
Class War
The local and domestic media have portrayed the Red Shirts as a lower class peasant rabble from the country’s impoverished Northeast invading
Taxi drivers are mainly a Red-shirt lot, and in the aftermath of May 19, they are eager to blast the government and the
Who Ordered Whom?
Prime Minister Abhisit Vejajeva ordered the assault, but the question for many is who gave Abhisit, whom they see as responding to powerful figures within the Thai elite, the green light? The army command apparently did not favor an assault on civilians, and neither did the police, who largely favored the Red Shirts. “Prem,” say many Red Shirt partisans, referring to Gen. Prem Tinsulanonda, the most influential figure in the Royal Privy Council. Some Red Shirts may well believe that Prem, whom they see as a master of intrigue, is the villain of the piece. Some Red Shirts may well believe that Prem, whom they see as a master of intrigue, is the villain of the piece, but, according to some Thai analysts, what other Red Shirts mean by “Prem” is actually the aging King, who has been largely invisible during the two-month crisis and is said to be ailing. The monarch, whose role cannot be discussed openly in public given the country’s strict lese majeste laws, is said to be deeply against Thaksin, whom he views as having upset
This is a view that would be vehemently disputed by Anand Panyarachun, a highly respected political figure. Anand said that in his experience as prime minister twice, the King always observed the constitutional rules of the game. He only provided advice “on request” and left it up to the political players to decide what to do. 'This is what happened in May 1992, when he brought Chamlong and Suchinda [the warring leaders] together and said it would be desirable for them to do what was in the best interest of the people. He never specifies what is to be done."
Despite their differences with Anand, academics favorable to the Red Shirts share with him the impression that the King speaks in very general terms, indeed in enigmatic sentences. Said one academic: “He did not say to Abhisit: crush them. He most likely simply said, ‘You know what needs to be done.’”
Whatever was the role of the King in the recent tragedy--if indeed he had any role at all—there is now more explicit discussion on the role of the monarchy, something that used to be shrouded with vague allusions. One taxi driver, for instance, said that the Queen was “simply stupid.” He continued: “Frankly, if you ask me, the royals have become more or less irrelevant to us and our needs.” But what about the King’s 3000 rural projects, a friend asked. Did they not benefit the poor? His answer: “They have only served the interests of the cronies of the royalty.”
How did it all come to this?
Democracy and its Discontents
Perhaps a good starting point is May 1992, when the dictatorship of General Suchinda Kraprayoon gave way to a new era of democratic governance. Between 1992 and 1997, elections produced three coalitions, but these were parliamentary formations dominated by traditional party bosses and elites who delivered command votes, particularly in the rural areas, owing to their control of economic and bureaucratic sources of wealth. Little was done to addresses the social grievances of the urban and rural poor.
As parliamentary democracy lost its luster, the economy barreled along, with the
The IMF and the Democratic Crisis
However, the rural poor were suddenly joined in the ranks of the marginalized by almost one million Thais, a great many of them members of the urban working classes, when the bottom fell off the Thai economy during the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98. And as globalization went awry, parliamentary democracy fell into severe disrepute as Thai governments seemed powerless to protect the people they were elected to serve from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In return for providing a $72 billion fund to pay off the country’s foreign creditors, the IMF imposed a very severe “reform” program that consisted of radically cutting expenditures, decreeing many corporations bankrupt, liberalizing foreign investment laws, and privatizing state enterprises.
When the government of Chaovalit Yongchaiyudh hesitated to adopt these measures, the IMF pressed for a change in government. The second Chuan Leekpai government complied fully with the Fund, and for the next three years
The Two Faces of Thaksin
It was at in these circumstances that Thaksin Shinawatra, a talented manager, adept political entrepreneur and an extremely effective communicator, achieved ascendancy. Though Thaksin as a businessman had benefited from globalization owing to his firm’s monopolistic position in private telecommunications, one of the economy’s most globalized sectors, he sensed that the financial crisis catalyzed popular fears about free-market globalization, smoldering resentment at the urban and rural elites that seemed to be cornering the country’s wealth, and anger at the international financial institutions. Upon becoming prime minister in 2001, Thaksin made a number of dazzling moves. He paid off the country’s IMF loan and kicked the Fund out of
That was the side of Thaksin that won him a mass following among the country’s poor, marginalized, and economically precarious sectors. But there was another side to Thaksin, the side that most of his urban and rural poor followers chose to ignore. A billionaire, Thaksin literally bought his political allies, constructing in the process a potent but subservient parliamentary coalition. He used his office to enhance his wealth and that of his cronies, seeming to lack an ability to distinguish the public interest from private gain.
Just as Thaksin appeared to have created the formula for a long stay in power supported by an electoral majority, he overreached. In January 2006, his family sold their controlling stake in telecoms conglomerate Shin Corporation for $1.87 billion to a
Coup and Continuing Crisis
Thaksin’s recalcitrant mass base, along with its own mistakes, prevented the military from restabilizing the country, causing it to sour on direct rule. When the post-coup military-sponsored regime exited, elections brought two pro-Thaksin parliamentary coalitions to power. Frustrated at the polls, the elite-middle class alliance resorted to direct action, the most infamous of which was the anti-Thaksin’s Yellow Shirts’ seizure of the new
At that point Thaksin’s followers realized that only by mounting a show of force on the streets like the Yellow Shirts did could they restore their political position as the country’s majority force. Street warfare in the spring of 2009, which resulted in the embarrassing cancellation of the ASEAN Summit in Pattaya, during which some heads of state had to be evacuated by helicopter, failed to dislodge Abhisit, but it proved to be a valuable dress rehearsal of the massive Red-shirt push that began the middle of March this year.
Within an Inch of Victory?
To many observers, the Red Shirts were within an inch of victory two weeks ago, when they managed to elicit a five-point reconciliation plan from Abhisit that included the promise of a dissolution of Parliament in September and elections in November. The government says hardliners among the Reds sabotaged the agreement by demanding new conditions aimed at making key government leaders accountable for 20 plus deaths in an earlier clash that took place on April 10. The Red-shirt leadership, on the other hand, claimed that the haste with which the government took back its offer and ended negotiations showed it had been merely using the negotiations to buy time for the military crackdown, which came on May 19.
What is certain is that the surrender of the Red-shirt leadership and the repatriation of thousands of rural folk to their provinces will not end the Red-shirt challenge. According to one pro-Red-shirt academic, the disaffected military, police, and government personnel that played a prominent role in the recent mobilizations will create a potent underground network that will provide the leadership for the next phase of the struggle.
But the main push will come from the people themselves.
*FPIF Columnist Walden Bello, who has just returned from
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